Excerpts from Transition Falmouth tribute to Kate

Created by Lorely 3 years ago

(full version is on TF website and also contains content from reallifetools and letsf.org.uk tributes already added, see: https://www.transitionfalmouth.org.uk/wp/2021/02/remembering-kate-ormrod-1949-2020/ )

Here at Transition Falmouth we continue to feel love and gratitude for Kate's presence in our lives and remember her wonderful qualities as a friend and co-operator on many community projects over the years.


In 2019, as Kate’s health and mobility continued to decline, but her enthusiasm for community projects continued unabated, we held regular “veterans” meetings at her home, until, with the onset of Covid-19 and the need to shield, group meetings moved online using Zoom.

Kate always found computers irritating to deal with, but as a quick and lifelong learner she adapted very well, and wrote a couple of typically incisive articles for this website last year, Living Lightly and Locally with Covid-19 and Finding reliable information in the online maze – she remained clear headed, good hearted, supportive and productive right to the end, and was starting to enjoy using twitter!

On 12th September 2020, the day after she died, the NHS Blue Spitfire flew over Falmouth hospital raising money for NHS Charities together. Kate was an avid explorer of new horizons on all levels, and as a lifelong community champion it seemed thoroughly appropriate to donate and get her name inscribed on the spitfire


(From:) Kate’s Friends in the Falmouth Community
We would like to nominate, Kate Ormrod, in gratitude for a life of loving support to her wide circle of friends and family, pioneering and fostering so many local community projects with her spirit of joy, community, cooperation, wit and wisdom throughout her life.

In Kate's own words:

"Live lightly on this world as we only have the one. Stop over producing and stop making people live such hard lives, just to earn a crust. We are aiming for right livelihoods and creative solutions. Keep it local and simple; appropriate and as gentle as can be."

(from https://www.transitionfalmouth.org.uk/wp/2020/04/living-lightly-and-locally-with-covid-19/ )