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Tribute to Kate Ormrod, 1949 - 2020
Tribute to Kate Ormrod, 1949 - 2020
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mum boat
Kate and Ella at the Eden Project 2019
Ormrod Family Gathering August 2018
Chrissy's Baby Shower July 2013
Koko and Ella post lockdown day out August 2020
Kate, Chrissy, Tim and Ella Easter Brunch at the Muddy Beach
Kate's 70th Birthday at the Greenbank Hotel
Kate's 70th party at Enys Gardens
London Trip Christmas 2018
Great Aunt Kate and Freddie at Marks Hall July 2019
Kate and Rem at one of many parties
Kate and Chrissy's Spanish Road Trip October 2012
Steve McQueen Exhibition London February 2020
Ella, Tim and Koko July 2019
Family BBQ August 2020
&0th Birthday Celebrations with Friends
Cocktails in the Sun. Kate's 70th Birthday
Chrissy's Graduation
Trebah Gardens August 2018
Jamma's 90th
Ormrod family Gathering July 2019
Freddie and Great Aunt Kate
Koko and Ella
RHS Tatton Park Flower show
Kate and Sophie
Teaching Ella the importance of Elections
Celebrating Kate's 70th at Enys Gardens
20200922 011629
2011d PaupersFeast 028
2011 Paupers Feast
2011 falmouth alive
2009 kate's 60th at Treevone
2010 Glamping at Treevone
2004 Kate off to see the world.
2003 Rob J T friends LETS around the world
2004 falmouth LETS 10th birthday
2001hkate xmasgf2001
2001 FalmouthOne 'kitchen table democracy'
2001c Fal1 meeting 010109
2001 'green droppings' 1
2000 FalmouthOne
2000 Glamping at Big Green Gathering
2000 Kate, Rob and Tim doing FamouthOne funding app at Falmouth Green Centre
1999 Design and promo
1999 Falmouth Grassroots in action
1998 Time off
1998 Co-op supporting Credit Unions and Lets Schemes
1998 'No Shop Day'
1998 more projects more chairing!
1997 SW Co-ops - Kate's words and picture
1997 SW Co-ops - Kate's words
1997 Council leaflet (2)
1997 Council leaflet (1)
1997 Standing for Falmouth Town Council and SW Cooperatives.
1997 Reclaim the streets !
1997 Residents campaign successful
1996 Daughters
1996 Sample Community Education projects
1996 Well Lane action
1996 Kate & Sally at Treevone Permaculture Project
1996 The Urbane Guerillas strike again (4am!)
1995 LETS display at Arts College
1995 Chocolate celebration on passing Community Management Course
1995 Green Centre, Bowly, Falmouth LETS, Truro LETS
1995 Gyllyng Hall & Meridian Barn Dance
1994 Kate's Kinda Kocktail Kliche
1994 community action - Gyllyng Hall and Falmouth LETS
Waterloo Road 1987/88
Will always miss you, Kate. Love, Sally S
Dear Friends I Go
Feel No Guilt
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Thank you my dear friend for our great times at The Masons. Love Fran S xx
Kate & Lorely selfie circa 2000
Community activities 1990s
Ice Cream & Politics!
Off to see the World
Fingers in many pies
Falmouth LETS Gathering 1995
SW LETS meeting at Wynards in Exeter, January 1997 (all smiling at comment by Kate as she took this photo)
Some of those at Falmouth LETS 10th Birthday Party at Kate’s, Palm Sunday 2004
Screenshot of our dedication to Kate on The NHS Spitfire JustGiving page
Kate in the midst of a banner making day in 2008
Kate at EcoGenie HQ (photos from Sally A B.)
Kate and the mountain. (photos from Sally A B.)
Kate at Sally and Daves event. (photos from Sally A B.)
Kate and friends at The Green Centre (photos from Sally A B.)
Kate with Sally and Dave (photos from Sally A B.)
Kate and Sally (photos from Sally A B.)
Kate, Sally and Dave travelling (photos from Sally A B.)
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